
Festive/Christmas Willow Wreath Making Workshop Cover

Festive/Christmas Willow Wreath Making Workshop

Crone Arts Logo

Crone Arts

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2024年12月14日 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM

GMT +0.00



Portessie Public Hall

9 Chancellor Road, AB56 1TD, Buckie, Moray, United Kingdom



Join us to make a unique willow and natural foliage wreath to welcome in the festive celebrations and seasonal decorations!


Portessie Public Hall

9 Chancellor Road, AB56 1TD, Buckie, Moray, United Kingdom


Crone Arts Logo

Crone Arts

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Crone Arts is the artistic creations and events of Leighanne Payton. As a traditional and heritage crafter, artist, storyteller, healer, and mother, Leighanne has experienced the value of passing on the ancient wisdom and skills of those that came before us. It is her passion to live fully in authentic expression of her creativity and to help others find inspiration and wellbeing through traditional arts and immersion in nature and it's raw materials. She especially loves delivering workshops and events to children. Her specialties include:Willow weaving and basketryNalbinding (ancient endangered craft made famous as the knitting style of the Vikings)Plant dyingSewing (traditional hand styles and modern machine use)Storytelling traditional folk talesNature bsed craft events

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