
Foreshore Foraging with Coeur Sauvage at Portencross Cover

Foreshore Foraging with Coeur Sauvage at Portencross

Coeur Sauvage Logo

Coeur Sauvage

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2024年8月10日 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM

GMT +2.00



Portencross Castle

Portencross Castle, KA23 9QA, Portencross, North Ayrshire, United Kingdom



These coastal foraging walks will show you the wonders growing in the machair; Scotland's fantastically diverse foreshores.

We will explore many of the edible coastal plants, from halophytes to succulents. Historically, humans have flooded to the seaside in tough times, largely thanks to the `bounteous harvests which can be found there. We will be following in their footsteps and learning how to safely identify the treasure trove of delightful edibles found by the sea.

Walks will take roughly three hours. We will be tasting as we go, but no substantial food will be provided. Please bring your own snacks and water.

Please wear sturdy, waterproof footwear and outdoor clothing. Coastal locations are very exposed; please check the weather beforehand and dress accordingly.


Portencross Castle

Portencross Castle, KA23 9QA, Portencross, North Ayrshire, United Kingdom


Coeur Sauvage Logo

Coeur Sauvage

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Coeur Sauvage has been supplying Scotland's chefs with delectable wild ingredients for almost a decade.No longer is this privilege restricted to professional kitchens!We are here to bring you closer to nature at some of Scotland's most beautiful natural and historical sitesJoin course leader, Sam Worrall, on a journey to discover a whole world of edible treats which would ordinarily pass you by.Nature is calling, will you heed its call?

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