
Forest Bathing+ Nature Connection Series#5 at RSPB The Lodge: Thur 4th July Cover

Forest Bathing+ Nature Connection Series#5 at RSPB The Lodge: Thur 4th July


2024年7月4日 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

GMT +2.00



RSPB The Lodge

Potton Road, SG19 2DL, Sandy, England, United Kingdom



Our new programme at RSPB The Lodge, designed to build a deeper connection with nature and lasting wellbeing


RSPB The Lodge

Potton Road, SG19 2DL, Sandy, England, United Kingdom


The Forest Bathing Institute (TFBI) Logo

The Forest Bathing Institute (TFBI)

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Nature connection, mindfulness, events and pioneering university research.Our guides will lead you through an enjoyable sequence of mindful activities in a Forest environment, helping you relax and feel the benefits of spending time in woodland while a guide holds space for you.Forest Bathing is the English translation of the Japanese term ‘Shinrin-yoku’. To better understand this concept, it means ‘spending quality time, fully immersed in the forest atmosphere, under the canopy of trees, for health and wellbeing purposes.Our unique approach to Forest Bathing was developed through university collaborations and years of study into mindfulness, meditation and forest science, leading to the development of our Forest Bathing+ (FB+) events. FB+ has been measured to assist nine areas of wellbeing by the university of Derby - see our website for peer-reviewed papers.

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