Ghibli Symphony | Symphonie Ghibli 日期与时间2025年3月15日 2:30 PM 起
GMT -4.00
地点Carleton Dominion-Chalmers Centre
355 Cooper Street, K2P 0G8, Ottawa , ON , Canada
活动门票Regular免费 0
Ticket Type免费 0
Under30免费 0
Drink Voucher|Boisson Wine|VinCAD 10 Few Left0
Drink Voucher|Boisson Craft Beer|Bière artisanaleCAD 10 Few Left0
Non-alcoholic cocktail | Cocktail non-alcooliséeCAD 7 Limited0
活动详情 Rediscover the music of Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle | Redécouvrez la musique du Château ambulant et du Voyage de Chihiro
查看地图 Carleton Dominion-Chalmers Centre
355 Cooper Street, K2P 0G8, Ottawa, ON, Canada
活动组织者 0 位关注者
The Ottawa Pops Orchestra aims to foster the next generation of musicians, redefine the orchestral experience, and create a sense of community in the Ottawa-Gatineau Region.
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活动门票 Regular免费 0
Ticket Type免费 0
Under30免费 0
Drink Voucher|Boisson Wine|VinCAD 10 Few Left0
Drink Voucher|Boisson Craft Beer|Bière artisanaleCAD 10 Few Left0
Non-alcoholic cocktail | Cocktail non-alcooliséeCAD 7 Limited0