The African Enterprise Institute (AfEI) is a Think-Tank and strategy development institution based inWashington DC USA, which is focused on developing business and commercial strategies that enhance thepathways to National Development, supporting Nation building, and stimulating job creation on a holistic level.Our retreats, programs and interventions are designed to support C-level executives of African descent, seekingto expand enterprises globally, gain in-depth understanding of global market dynamics, expand their strategicleadership skills as well as engage with global sources of new investment capital and new market opportunitieson a consistent basis. In addition, AfEI supports policy makers and regulators of strategic industrial segmentsto gain the deep knowledge and understanding required to support policy formulation that stimulates enterprisedevelopment within the industries they regulate. Our ACCESS AFRICA STRATEGY INITIATIVE(AASI), is currently providing strategic advice for expanding market penetration of Africa’s vast growingmarkets, for global companies, seeking to penetrate very select industries across Africa.
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