
#IAS_NUQ Global Undergraduate Fellow Presentations Cover

#IAS_NUQ Global Undergraduate Fellow Presentations



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2025年1月29日 4:30 PM 起

GMT +3.00



Northwestern University in Qatar

Education City, Doha, Al Rayyan, Qatar



Showcasing projects on the Global South, produced by 2024 #IAS_NUQ Global Undergraduate Fellows.


Northwestern University in Qatar

Education City, Doha, Al Rayyan, Qatar




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The Institute for Advanced Study in the Global South at Northwestern University in Qatar (#IAS_NUQ) produces and promotes evidence-based storytelling focused on the histories, cultures, societies, and media of the Global South. Our inclusive vision of globality recognizes the diversities and inequalities that shape the societies we inhabit and study. We harness traditions from the liberal arts, media, communication, and journalism to forge multi-disciplinary and multi-modal approaches to knowledge that is locally relevant and globally resonant. This synthesis of deep expertise, interdisciplinary inquiry, and creative mediamaking stimulates critical conversations about enduring questions and emerging challenges that confront the Global South and its enmeshments in global structures and flows of people, goods, words, images, and ideas. Our core commitments are to amplify NU-Q faculty and student scholarship and mediamaking, to boost undergraduate research, mentor our students who plan to pursue advanced graduate degrees, and forge pathways to the professoriate locally and globally. To these ends, #IAS_NUQ hosts fellows (student, postdoctoral, faculty) who work on individual projects and collaborate in local and global research groups, produce multi-lingual and multi-modal #IAS_NUQ_Press publications and creative media, and organizes lectures, screenings, workshops, and conferences.

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