I enjoy spinning, dyeing, weaving and other textile-based crafts, I like to share my skills and knowledge about these crafts and I am always learning more myself too. I particularly like the whole process of seeing a sheep in a field, watching it being sheared, sorting and deciding how to use the fleece. Spinning the fleece, picking something like blackberries or forsythia leaves to dye it with, then weaving or knitting it into something beautiful and useful. Where possible I use local and/or recycled materials to minimise my impact on the environment.I'm an experienced tutor, I regularly teach woolcraft and textile-based workshops at a variety of places in the UK, including The Art House in Sheffield, Straight Curves in Chesterfield and the Eco Centre near Wirksworth.
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Indigo Tie Dyeing Workshop - Bamford GBP 60Limited0
One accompanied child per adult, 7-18yrs 免费0
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