
Lionheart Society Presents: Women's Wealth x Health Networking Brunch Cover

Lionheart Society Presents: Women's Wealth x Health Networking Brunch

Lisa Lewis Daniels Logo

Lisa Lewis Daniels

0 位关注者


2025年2月22日 11:30 AM 起

GMT -5.00



Selby’s Grab and Go

11672 Billingsley Road, 20602, Saint Charles, MD, United States



Join professional women for networking, brunch, and health and wealth tips to elevate your career and life.


Selby’s Grab and Go

11672 Billingsley Road, 20602, Saint Charles, MD, United States


Lisa Lewis Daniels Logo

Lisa Lewis Daniels

0 位关注者

After the birth of her son, CEO and​ Founder of Lionheart Society LLC, ​Coach Lisa Lewis Daniels​ discovered that she constantly had to balance between maintaining a stable, loving space for her young family while continuing to thrive as a modern-day career woman. She spent countless hours surfing and researching the worldwide internet, but she could not find the activities or a tribe that ideally fit her new normal. ​Out of her own frustrations, Coach Daniels’​ passion and desire to support women, men, couples, and families in new and creative ways were born. Her company’s platform, mission, and vision were founded upon the beliefs that “it takes a village to raise a child” and a community to keep a family together.Lionheart Society LLC's mission is to create a community that advocates, encourages, and​ ​educates women, men, and couples so they are empowered to make well-informed decisions about their careers, marriage, and parenthood.

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