West Lothian Council Ranger Service have several volunteer sessions available each month, within Beecraigs, Almondell & Calderwood and Polkemmet Country Parks and in wider green spaces across West Lothian. Please see details of how the sessions usually run below:Friends of Almondell & Calderwood- 1st Saturday of each month in Almondell & Calderwood Country Park.Friends of Polkemmet- Every 8 weeks on a Sunday in Polkemmet Country Park.Friends of Beecraigs & Witchcraig- Alternating Saturday/Sunday every month in Beecraigs Country Park and Witchcraig Woodland.Conservation Volunteers- Thursday's and alternating Saturday/Sunday every month throughout West Lothian.Tasks for each session may include cutting back vegetation from path edges, path work, pond work, invasive species removal, litter picking and tree planting and tree care. There is no obligation to join the Friends group or attend every session each month, so please feel free to book on to individual sessions and come along to join in. No experience is necessary to attend, and a tool & safety talk will be provided by the Ranger Service. Families are welcome, but under 16's must be accompanied by an adult. Please bring gloves with you if you have them, and wear sturdy footwear and weather-appropriate clothing. Please bring and snacks and drinks you may require - the session durations are listed, but you do not have to stay for the full session and breaks can be taken when required.Full details are listed on each page, but if you have further questions about a session, please contact rangerservice@westlothian.gov.uk
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