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We are the Heart of Job Foundation. We work to better the youth of the world through an infusion of a lasting positive lifestyle and culture. We inspire through personal development, mentorship, music, dance and creative arts; by providing activities such as community events, artist development programs and after school education.The specific purpose ofHeart of JOB Foundationis of bettering theyouth of the world through an infusion of a lasting positive lifestyle andculture. Our objective is to inspire the youth through personaldevelopment, mentorship, music, dance and creative arts; by providingactivities such as community events, artist development programs, afterschool education.The specific purpose ofHeart of JOB Foundationis of bettering theyouth of the world through an infusion of a lasting positive lifestyle andculture. Our objective is to inspire the youth through personaldevelopment, mentorship, music, dance and creative arts; by providingactivities such as community events, artist development programs, afterschool education.