MCCS Smooth Move Workshop Camp Foster 日期与时间2025年3月3日 8:00 AM 起
GMT +9.00
地点Camp Foster Ocean Breeze, Nothern Breeze Room, 2nd Fl
Camp Foster, 904-0116, Chatan, Okinawa, Japan
活动门票Service Member / DoD Civilian免费 0
Spouse免费 5 left0
活动详情 The Smooth Move Workshop provides pre-departure and destination information on travel entitlements, base and community information and more.
查看地图 Camp Foster Ocean Breeze, Nothern Breeze Room, 2nd Fl
Camp Foster, 904-0116, Chatan, Okinawa, Japan
活动组织者 1 位关注者
Marine Corps Community Services (MCCS) provides programs and services to Marines and their families that strengthen their resilience and overall well-beingVisit us at
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活动门票 Service Member / DoD Civilian免费 0
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