
Mind ReMapping -  Cognitive Positioning System   -  Warsaw Cover

Mind ReMapping - Cognitive Positioning System - Warsaw

Gavin  Gooden Logo

Gavin Gooden

0 位关注者


2024年12月1日 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM

GMT +1.00




Warsaw, 00-001, Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland



Mind ReMapping

I want you to understand, that I am NOT interested in your Money.

I am instead, interested in your Mind.

I am interested in your Mind, because of what we can do to create a new reality together, if at all we can unite our Thoughts to a single idea.

Your Mind is the most powerful resource in Human existence, but our Minds are mostly separated by our individual challenges, and united by distorted Beliefs which can weaken valuable connections which would otherwise strengthen our resolve.

I am of the Mind that our Consciousness in this reality is nearing an era of unfavourable changes where we are at the mercy of a technological age, where we are struggling to manage TIME.

We are creating technologies which rapidly jump from one over stimulating scenario to the next, with no accounting of Time.

But our MINDS need TIME.

TIME is the only resource that can both stabilise and create reality, and our Minds are the only instrument that controls it.

A simple “Hello, how are you?” can change the frequency of the Mind from loneliness to positive feelings that are connected to other Minds which genuinely care.

Technology cannot do this, but our Minds are organically designed to create connections which can alter and create new properties in TIME.

And with new properties in Time, comes new realities.

Technology brings Minds together from all over the world, but it is our Minds that decide which direction that Time is going to take.

Just agreeing to work together with other Minds where we all benefit from each other creates a gravitational field which dramatically changes TIMES direction.

I want to help change the direction of Consciousness toward positions in Time where every Mind can recognise itself equally and without judgment.

Everything in this reality is a distraction which distorts our Minds, and we need to find a space to appreciate the power of Time.

Just go to your mobile device right now and look at the latest news feeds and trends your technology is broadcasting.

Most of what is being transmitted is nothing to do with you personally, other than to control your attention span which separates you from everyone else.

I am building an open platform solely for the purpose of finding CONSCIOUSNESS where everyone can talk freely about the direction we want to take the evolution of our Minds.

When you register, I will show you the wonderful things I have learnt about the Mind, which I am happy to share and that which I will hope will inspire you to join us.

This platform is called Mind ReMapping, and we need people from every background to bring about a new collective of Consciousness.

The platform is in its early stages, and I need your help with a small contribution to help thrive it into a safe space that everyone can call HOME, and in return, you will learn why Technology can never be superior to our Minds unless we allow it to happen.

Your contributions will help maintain and build the website and this your new community, so please send this and invite as many people as you can.


Meetings are scheduled every day.

"We cannot speak directly to Tony Robbins, Emily Harris, Robbin Sharma, Jordan Peterson, Les Brown, or Eckhart Tolle, but we can speak to each other ....


Mind ReMapping



Warsaw, 00-001, Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland


Gavin  Gooden Logo

Gavin Gooden

0 位关注者

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