
Open Day Servizio Civile Universale - Savona Cover

Open Day Servizio Civile Universale - Savona

Università di Genova Logo

Università di Genova

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2025年2月5日 10:00 AM 起

GMT +1.00



Campus Savona - Università degli Studi di Genova - Aula DE120

2 Via Magliotto, 17100, Savona, Liguria, Italy



Un appuntamento in presenza per fornire tutte le indicazioni utili sul bando 2025 del Servizio Civile Universale


Campus Savona - Università degli Studi di Genova - Aula DE120

2 Via Magliotto, 17100, Savona, Liguria, Italy


Università di Genova Logo

Università di Genova

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University of Genoa (UniGe) is a public institution founded in 1933 provided with scientific educational, organizational and financial autonomy and it is involved in the building of a European Area for Research and advanced professional training. UniGe is now composed of 22 departments within 5 schools, 13 interuniversity research centers and 2 centers of excellence. Its educational offer is composed of 124 Bachelor and Master courses, 28 PhD courses divided into 92 curricula, 53 specialization schools, 27 I and II level University Masters, 5 Libraries.UniGe has a strong participation in the most important EU and international research and cooperation Programs, in particular it is currently involved in 85 running projects funded under FESR-INTERREG, LIFE and other international funding instruments and in 43 projects funded under H2020 (as of 31.12.2019). As regards the involvement in current and previous Life programmes, in particular, UniGe has been participating in 30 projects since 1999 (of wich 5 as Coordinating Beneficiary).Discoveries, inventions, advances achieved by research activities are successfully commercialized, with 81 patent applications, 45 spin-off and a strong involvement in startup creation, with a specific business plan competition.UniGe has a synergic collaboration with many national research organizations, innovative SMEs and industries which are located in Liguria and operate worldwide, such as the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), RINA Consulting among others, thus making Genoa very attractive for the brightest researchers in a variety of scientific disciplines. In an increasingly international competitive context, UniGe also considers the funding measures for mobility highly important to improve placement both at national and international level.UniGe has a strong experience in Public Engagement and scientific dissemination activities.Every year professors and researchers offer to the academia a high number of national and international congresses, workshops, seminars, conferences and lectures.Furthermore UniGe directly organizes or participates to the organization of several events addressed to a large audience aiming to increase the scientific and cultural dissemination outside the academic world.

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