Lee County Center2420 Tramway RdSanford, NC 27332OPEN MON-FRI: 8A-5P(919) 775-5624https://lee.ces.ncsu.edu/NC State UniversityandN.C. A&T State Universitywork in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to form a strategic partnership called N.C. Cooperative Extension, which staffs local offices in all 100 counties and with the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.Read ourPrivacy StatementN.C. Cooperative Extension prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex (including pregnancy), disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, and veteran status.Individuals with disabilities are invited to request reasonable accommodations to participate in Extension sponsored programs and events. Please contact the county Extension office offering the program at least 14 days prior to the event to make arrangements.
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General Admission $15.00Limited0
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