關於香港設計中心香港設計中心作為香港特別行政區政府的策略伙伴,我們充分發揮香港作為中外文化藝術交流中心的優勢,從設計中創造價值。為了實現目標,我們:培養設計的創意文化為各方持份者提供拓展商機的平台,釋放設計潛能推動各個設計領域的卓越發展目標推動香港成為亞洲區內享譽國際的設計之都使命推動社會更廣泛和具策略性地運用設計及設計思維,為業界創造價值及改善社會福祉About Hong Kong Design CentreHong Kong Design Centre is a strategic partner of the Hong Kong SAR Government in leveraging the city’s East-meets-West advantage to create value from design.To achieve our goals we:Cultivate a design cultureBridge stakeholders to opportunities that unleash the value of designPromote excellence in various design disciplinesVisionEstablish Hong Kong as an international centre of design excellence in AsiaMissionPromote wider and strategic use of design and design thinking to create business value and improve societal well-being
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