
Psychological and Developmental Impact of Substance Abuse in Adolescents Cover

Event EndedPsychological and Developmental Impact of Substance Abuse in Adolescents


2025年2月12日 6:00 PM 起

GMT -5.00



Corporate College East

4400 Richmond Road, 44128, Warrensville Heights, OH, United States



Learn about how marijuana and THC abuse affects the mental and emotional growth of teenagers at our dinner event!


Corporate College East

4400 Richmond Road, 44128, Warrensville Heights, OH, United States


Northeast Ohio Association of School Nurses Logo

Northeast Ohio Association of School Nurses

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NEOASN is a regional affiliate of OASN and NASN. The Ohio Association of School Nurses (OASN) is the professional association for registered nurses and other health professionals with a specific interest in school nursing and school health services. OASN’s purpose is as multifaceted and dynamic as issues of health and wellness in Ohio’s school children and their school communities. Members are from all over Ohio and work in large and small school districts, rural and urban districts and may provide services to a single school or multiple schools within a district. Members work in public, charter, and private/parochial schools. Some members are instructors, professors and/or coordinators of school nurse licensure programs at ODE approved colleges and universities throughout the State. Many of our members are supervisors or administrators of school nursing or school health services in their district.

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