Hello, my name isShannon Gill& I am a certified Reiki Master & Crisis Intervention advocate. I also specialize in Sound Healing Concerts & Vibroacoustic Therapy (a.k.a. the Sound Lounge). I believe that all of these loving & holistic tools are the key to clearing any blockages within the energetic & physical body. I have seen the shift within my clients and it is a great honor for me to offer these healing modalities to you! Come join me at my beautiful & private studio located in South Carlsbad. You will be surrounded by lush grounds with Native plants, calming waterfalls, plus a sound and temperature-controlled studio. Space is limited to 10 people for soundbaths, so they are a very intimate & specialized experience. I will provide a safe container for your journey of health & well-being. You can find more information about me and all of my healing techniques on mywebsiteatsirenasound.comor onIG@sirenasoundandreiki. Infinite Blessings & Gratitude!