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ReRa Magiciam LLC incorporates business, family + the healing artz_ creating events such as our GROOVE THERAPY Poetry Night. The poetically infused night, setting a tone for purposeful poetic grooves _combining edutainment, networking, dining plus shopping. We promise you a poetic groovy night that is filled with high vibrating energy plus healing vybz.Keeping the focus on business, family + the healing arts. ReRa Magiciam LLC is also responsible for organizing PoP Up Shops such as our WE AIM FOR GREATNESS*BLAQUE FRIDAY POP UP SHOP, which offers the opportunity for locally black-owned brands and businesses to network while providing their products/services to the locals and mingling with the surrounding community.Proceeding with the greatness ReRa Magiciam LLC manages and produces the seasonal WELLNESS WORKSHOPS along with detox & wellness plans (online / one on one pairing with your local instructors) for TrinityWholistic ... The Wellness, Fitness + Self Care plan at ... https://trinitywholisticwellnessplan.com.Stay tune for dates and location to our bi-monthly Poetry Shows, Seasonal Wellness WorkShops, Edutaining events + Pop Up ShopsEDUTAINING EVENTS + WORK SHOPS + POP UP SHOPS ... Currently Offering Three Events to serve your edutainment needsGroove Therapy Poetry NightsSouth Floridas' Beauty & The BrunchTrinityWholistic's Summer Wellness WorkShop