
Tea Growers Guide Cover

Tea Growers Guide

Tregothnan Logo


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2024年9月10日 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

GMT +2.00



International Tea Centre

The Reading Room, TR3 6AR, Coombe, England, United Kingdom



Join us for a captivating day of exploration and discovery as we delve into the art of tea cultivation. Whether you're a horticulturist, botanist, tea enthusiast, or simply someone with an appreciation for fresh produce heritage, this event promises an unforgettable experience.

Event Highlights:

  • Masterclass starts at 10:00 am and ends at 4:00 pm
  • Comprehensive Tea-Growing Methods: Dive into the intricate details of tea cultivation, covering essential aspects like land preparation, sowing, irrigation, pruning, and harvesting techniques.
  • The Camellia Sinensis Plant: Unlock the secrets of why the Camellia sinensis plant flourishes in our unique micro-climate.
  • Exploring Tea Leaves: Develop your palate as you discern the distinct flavors between mature and young tea leaves.
  • Mastering the Art of Tea Plucking: Learn the delicate process of tea plucking and the significance of creating the all-important 'plucking table.'
  • Optimal Harvest Timing: Discover the best seasons to maximize the plant's benefits.
  • Delicious Lunch: Relish the flavors of local seasonal delicacies.
  • Tregothnan Cream Tea: Conclude your day with a delightful tea experience.
  • Forum: Engage in thought-provoking discussions with fellow participants.
  • Certificates: Receive recognition for your participation in tea cultivation.
  • Shopping: Explore our shop and purchase a selection of teas and estate produce.

A Deeper Dive:

Cultivation Methods: Gain in-depth knowledge about land cultivation, irrigation, pruning, and harvesting techniques.

Camellia Sinensis Insights: Explore the remarkable adaptation of the Camellia sinensis plant to our distinctive micro-climate.

Taste Distinctions: Discern the subtle flavor differences between adult and young tea leaves.

Tea Plucking Artistry: Discover the intricate process of tea plucking and the creation of the essential 'plucking table.'

Seasonal Benefits: Learn the optimal times of the season to maximize the tea plant's yield.


We reserve the right to assign guests to sessions based on interests and group size. In rare cases, course dates may change due to unforeseen circumstances or high demand. We value your input, so feel free to share your interests and specific areas you'd like to explore.

For further details and to explore our diverse offerings, kindly visit our website.

Book Now and share this transcendent experience!


International Tea Centre

The Reading Room, TR3 6AR, Coombe, England, United Kingdom


Tregothnan Logo


0 位关注者

Join one of our experienced guides for a River Garden Tour of our magnificent tea plantations nestled along the banks of the River Fal. How about becoming a tea guru with a Tregothnan tea masterclass, or how to look after a bee colony with our expert apiarist?

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