BGM Conferences (BGM Mins Ltd) is an experienced organiser of business conferences, seminars, work shops, job fairs religious events. As a bisiness we create extraordinary experiences and brand relevance. We deliver interactive and engaging experience for our delegates. We ensure that customers and clients receive maximum advantage to achieve real value through our events.Company Details:BGM Ministries LtdCompany Number 08482571Registered in England United Kingdom300 vauxhall Bridge Road, London, SW1V 1AAUnited KingdomContact Event Team0044 7572424143Email: bgmconferences@gmail.comWebsite:www.bgmevents.comwww.bgmconferences.comRefund PolicyEvent fee is non refundable especially if an attendee purchase a ticket and decides not to attend the event for any reason. However a full refund will be offered within 60 days if the event was cancelled by BGM Conferences & Exhibitions (BGM Mins Ltd).Terms and Conditions1. Event participants must arrive on time for all events.2. Event participants must show their tickets, receipts or invitation documents on arrival to gain entry to conference hall or exhibition centre.3. Event participants must comply with our health and safety measures to ensure a peaceful and successful events.4. Event participants may request for free information about nearby hotels, restaurants and means of transportation within London United Kingdom.5. If there is a need to change event venue or event dates participants will be informed two weeks before the conference date.