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Background history of the South FarmThe UK Horticulture Research Farm (South Farm), originally part of the Waveland Estate settled by Daniel Boone's family in the early 1800s, is a 100-acre farm that was originally purchased as 217 acres in 1956. Past land transfers include 10 acres to the Commonwealth of Kentucky for the creation of the adjoining Waveland State Historic Site in 1971. In addition to research on fruit and vegetable, greenhouse and nursery, biofuels, entomology, plant pathology and related crop sciences, UK-HRF hosts the UK-CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) production unit.The UK Horticulture Research Farm is located on the south side of Lexington, approximately one block west of the intersection of Man O’ War Boulevard and Nicholasville Road (U.S. 27). The entrance to the farm is off Man O’ War at the traffic light opposite the entrance to Lowe’s. For more information, contact Pam Compton, 859-257-2909 orpscomp1@uky.edu.Significant, applied research is ongoing at the University of Kentucky’s Horticulture Research Farm in Lexington. Federal and state funded projects and trials covering traditional and organic vegetable production, high tunnel production, fruit production, variety trials for disease and pest resistance, cover crops and hops are all part of the research happening at the UK Horticulture Research Farm.Department of HorticultureN-318 Ag Sciences CenterUniversity of KentuckyLexington, KY 40546-0091Phone: 859 257-2909