Are you LOVE Revolution Ready?Hello, Im Shakti Tracy - A Breathwork and Shamanic practitioner, focussed on healing the relationship between the masculine & feminine polarities to create inner union and transformation to your relationship with yourself, others and the planet.In my sessions, I support people to access altered states of consciousness through shamanic and breathwork practices to help them to transform past patterns, release unexpressed emotions, and call back lost powers.Ultimately I want to help people to rediscover their connection to their own heart’s truth - to embody their Diamond Self – their own divinity.I work with the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine as supporting energies- however you do not need to have the same beliefs as me to attend these sessions - you can consider these as Energies, Gods, Archetypes or parts of yourself - whatever works best for you.All I ask everyone to bring is their love - that is enough.I offer a range of group workshops and am available for 1to1 healing and breathwork sessions too.I offer a 12-month Breathwork Facilitator Training or a 6-month accelerated program - these trainings are accredited by Breathing Space and approved by the Global Professional Breathwork Alliance.With Love, Shakti Tracy