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Art Impact® International emboldens an enriched world community through support of its multi-cultural, multi-national artists. By cultivating your creative work we make this a brighter world. More art, less violence. More creativity in the present moment, morelife,less depression. Our purpose as an organization is to encourage, promote and empower an artist to be the artist, having a polished and brilliant prominence. You, through your art, give voice to the creative communication across the globeandcontribute to the creative economy. We want to encourage, market, and promote artists and their artwork so they will create even greater works on an ongoing basis. Art Impact® wants artists to feel free to be creative, authentic and productive so they may continue to inspire others.Art Impact® International is currently connected with over 4000 artists in twenty-five countries, including Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, Greece, Guyana, Jamaica, India, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Serbia, South Africa, St. Lucia, Switzerland, Thailand, Togo, Trinidad & Tobago, and Crow Nation, USA. We look forward to working with artists from around the world this year and many years to come.