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The Hiwassee Chapter of Trout Unlimited is not just another fishing club. We are a group of very dedicated individuals who take our fishing and the conservation of coldwater resources very seriously. We also take our fun seriously, too!Our members include some of the nation's foremost coldwater conservationists, and we are very proud of our chapter's history of accomplishments.Trout Unlimited's mission is to conserve, protect, and restore North America's trout and salmon fisheries and their watersheds. TU accomplishes this mission with an extensive volunteer network. As a TU chapter, we are part of that network and are contributing to the cause of conservation on the national, state, and local levels.Teamwork and cooperation are keys to success, and we work very well with government agencies, as well as other conservation and fishing organizations. When state officials need angler input on various issues, we provide them with sound, reasonable information that ultimately results in better fishing for all. By working together with other Tennessee conservation and fishing organizations, we are jointly able to achieve goals that we might not otherwise be able to by working alone.We are very good stewards of the monetary resources that we are entrusted with. Our members and supporters are always very generous, and we always put these funds to the best use possible.MEETINGSThe Hiwassee 640 chapter meets on the Second Saturday of every month 1:00 P.M. at Reliance Fly and Tackle 588 Childers Creek Rd. Reliance, TN. 37369