ValleyRain International, a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit cultural organization, was founded in March 2015 in the San Francisco Bay Area.We were founded with the mission of building a bridge between Aisa and North America cultures.To date, we have hosted upwards of 500 cultural events in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Dallas,Beijing, and Shanghai, among other cities. At these events, we gather leading voices in the field to engage in dialogue and share knowledge.谷雨书苑2015年创立于旧金山湾区,致力于促进中美文化交流。迄今为止, 谷雨在旧金山湾区,洛杉矶,北京,上海等地举办了超过500场的线下文化交流分享活动。邀请为谷雨做过分享的嘉宾包括,知名导演贾樟柯,“最牛历史老师”袁腾飞,知名学者秦晖,北京四中国际教育创始人石国鹏,奇葩说冠军邱晨,詹青云,知名辩手艾力,等。谷雨书苑接下来还会邀请更多文化圈的名人大咖,知名学者和大家见面,敬请期待。