Amelia Rising Sexual Violence Support Centre provides free, completely confidential support for people 12 years of age and older who have experienced sexual or gender-based violence.We work from feminist, intersectional, anti-racist and anti-oppressive frameworks. A consent culture, based on equity, is essential to ending sexual and gender-based violence. Amelia Rising believes that by working together, honouring differences, leaning into our discomfort, and challenging ourselves that we will achieve our vision of a just social worldOur MANDATEAmelia Rising Sexual Violence Support Centre is a registered charity serving survivors of sexual and gender-based violence ages 12 and up in the Nipissing District.OUR MISSIONSupport survivors to heal from sexual and gender-based violence.Educate and advocate for systemic and social change required to end sexual and gender-based violence.OVERVIEWOur doors first opened in 1994 as a grassroots women’s collective. We currently provide the following services:Counselling for individuals and groups24/7 Sexual violence helplineAccompaniment to hospital or police stationResources to help make informed decisionsEducational workshops for awareness and trainingAdvocacy for change to end sexual violenceInformation and support for partners, families and friends of survivorsReferrals