The International Association of Health Care Professionals (IAHCP) Society is a Healthcare Membership Organisation for multidisciplinary healthcare professionals and organisations, which encourages research, education, innovations and organisational activities for healthcare professionals Worldwide.Its aim is to encourage, promote and maintain the highest standards of patient care and education and act as the 'voice' of healthcare professionals on education, training and standards issues. The demand by healthcare Professional to have a multi-disciplinary and inter-professional healthcare Organisation to promote patient and care and education in communities started in Europe in 1918, after the First World War. Following various consultations and meetings with various groups and disciplines in healthcare, medicine, surgery, public health and social sciences from 1919 to 1929, it was agreed that the Association of Health Care Professionals (AHCP) will formally start in 1930.In line with the above recommendations and decisions, the IAHCP was launched in 1930 in Europe with its first Constitution and By Laws, which governs the operations of the Association. From 1931 the work and activities of the AHCP expanded internationally and in 1937, the General Committee and Council approved for it to have a membership service and society called the International association of Health Care Professionals (IAHCP) Society, which has an outstanding record of achievements. The Constitution and By Laws of the IAHCP Society was formally approved and signed in 1938.Milestones in its history include the establishment of education and research training in healthcare issues, the setting up of clinical guidelines for clinicians, the expansion of research into multidisciplinary healthcare, the organising and hosting of various successful courses and conferences and the promotion of primary and secondary care. In addition, the association offers grants, sponsorships and scholarships to individual and healthcare professionals in various communities globally in order to continue to promote excellence in patient care, education, research and innovations globally. Hence the IAHCP Society Global Projects have been huge success, especially its projects in Medical Practice in Developing Countries and Eastern European Countries.The IAHCP is a network of around 125,000 individual healthcare professional memberships and up to 270,000 organisational memberships from up to 210 countries and territories Worldwide, making it a total membership of about 395,000 as at July 2020. The IAHCP individual and organisational memberships are committed to improving patient care and education, developing their own skills and developing medical practice.The IAHCP operations and activities are undertaken in various countries, where the Council and committee members and partners are based in various locations internationally. Since 1933, the operations of the IAHCP activities are governed by its Constitution and By Laws, and Policies. The IAHCP Council and Committees agreed for its activities to be expanded in Europe and globally during the 1940s.In 1968, it was agreed for the activities of the IAHCP to be extended to the United Kingdom (UK) and for the organisation to be registered as a company limited by guarantee by 2018. This was approved by the UK Secretary of State, with company registration number in England and Wales as 10423589. Since the new millennium, the IAHCP membership and activities continues to increase, and there has been emphasis by the Council to continue to promote and support Community Healthcare and Education Services Worldwide in various communities internationally.To this end the General Committee and Council also approved for the activities of the Association to be further extended to Balkan Peninsula in Eastern Europe, following extensive reviews and research on the state of patient care and education in this region. In particular the General Committee and Council approved for the Association of Health Care professionals to be established in Bulgaria by December 2021 and in Romania by December 2023. Other approved expansions of the Association in other countries will be announced in due course as approved by the General Committee and Council.The IAHCP has an extensive network of international groups called 'regional groups' which provide a local focus for healthcare professionals throughout the world. The Regional Offices include:• Australia and Newzeland• Africa• East and West Africa• Europe• Middle East and Asia• North America and Canada• Central and South America• The Caribbean AreaWe aim to serve as your competent and reliable partner in promoting excellence in patient care and education globally. Our members and staff will always welcome you with friendly, attentive service.For more information, please contact: or