
Aubree's Hope

We're a family who loves a little girl with Rett Syndrome. Our mission is to raise aware for Rett Syndrome. Aubree Latelle is residing in Lombard, Illinois. Aubree was diagnosed with Rett Syndrome, a rare genetic neurological disorder at the age of two years old. Rett Syndrome has robbed Aubree of her ability to walk, talk, purposefully use her hands and has contributed to the onset of seizures, breathing abnormalities and eating difficulties requiring a feeding tube. Aubree uses a wheelchair to access her community, and uses specialized seating equipment within her home for toileting, eating, and using her communication tools. As a result of Aubree’s inability to talk, she has learned to use yes/no head nods for communication and is receiving speech therapy services to learn the use of a voice output eye gaze communication device. Despite the numerous challenges Aubree faces on a daily basis, she continues to persevere.


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