The Bagpipes & Drums of the Emerald Society, Chicago Police Department is a not-for-profit, tax exempt charitable organization under Illinois law and Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code.“The bagpipe is much used by the Irish. To its sounds, this unconquered, fierce and warlike people march their armies, and are encouraged to feats of valor. With it, they also carry their dead to the grave, making such a mournful sound, as to force the bystander to weep”. - Vincenzo Galilei, 1581The Band has humbly performed at police officer and firefighter memorials all throughout the country. Celebrating thirty years, we all look back and realize we will never be the same.Three decades ago, the New York City Police Emerald Society Pipe Band was our inspiration. Today our mission continues and is clear as ever.
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