Chris Jones is a well respected property developer who runs a very succesful property company specialising in Buy To Sell, Buy To Let, Retail, Planning Gain and Commercial to Residential Conversions.Chris has over 14 years experience in property, initially working as an estate agent before setting up Bay Tree Property in 2009.She is passionate about property and loves sharing her experience with others through public speaking, workshops and her highly regarded mentoringprogramme.She believes in the personal touch and nothing beats meeting face to face. To make this easy, Chris set up the Bay Tree Property Club, to give you an opportunity to spend a few hours with us, to see what we do, understand our projects, ask those all important questions and allow you to do your property due diligence with us, in a relaxed and informative atmosphere.If you would like to explore the opportunties to work with us futher, why don't you BOOK a place at the next Bay Tree Property Clubby clicking the green 'TICKETS' button.orCheck out her hot tips and videos on: her FB page