
Beech Grove

Beech Grove is a Christian intentional community of families and singles who share their possessions and live together seeking to fully live out Jesus’ teachings in the Sermon on the Mount. We are a part of the international Bruderhof church.Located less than thirty minutes from Canterbury, Beech Grove was founded in 1997 and is home to around 230 people. Similar to other large Bruderhof communities, it is made up of a mix of families and singles, young and old, who live, work, and worship together.Adults work in various community departments including the farm and garden, kitchen, laundry, medical and dental clinics, and the manufacturing facility and offices for Community Playthings, which produces classroom and play equipment. We share a daily meal in our dining hall, and worship together several times throughout the week.Children attend primary school and older students go on to study at the Beech Grove Academy, a school for about fifty secondary students mostly from English Bruderhof locations. We often collaborate with neighboring churches or community clubs to work on service projects, and we welcome visitors whether for a meal or longer stay.


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