IMPROVISATION CLASSESDo you remember how to play? If you do, you will know how it enhances creativity, adaptability, confidence and more. If you don't, here is the chance for the most fun way to build life and business confidence, helping you to be bold in the world while developing acting skills through improvisation. Don't know what to do? Nor will anyone! You are being taught how to respond creatively in the moment and mistakes are welcome as that is where the major learning takes place.CONFIDENT PUBLIC SPEAKINGWorkshops to take a step towards becoming comfortable with fundamentals of public speaking through games, use of imagination, and creative methods of communication in a way that will have you laughing and feeling confident. We explore the different elements of public speaking through the dynamics of your relationship with venue, clients, funders etc and the relationship with yourself and your work. You will be able to use these skills whenever you need, from standing on stage to present a talk to being interviewed in person on radio/TV, speaking at a meeting, meeting the public, guiding and motivating volunteers or speaking at networks.Enquire for one-to-one coaching or bespoke programmesBUSINESS THERAPY helps you put your relationship with your work "on the couch", taking the pressure off doing, to pause in reflection.Business Therapy provides a perspective which is about the relationships you have around your business. Cathy Towers offers a considered psychological approach to improving your relationship with your business - an AWAYDAY for micro-business owners, or one-to-one consultancy - a way to put your relationship with your business "on the couch". Designed for those who offer a service which is deeply personal and maybe find that conventional marketing stresses you. Cathy works with creative methods, inner reflection, relational techniques and improvisation.Cathy Towers:A psychotherapist for over 30 years, Cathy is that rare breed, a professional speaker who really listens. With a deep understanding of relationships and of psychology built over thousands of sessions, and hundreds of training days. When Cathy speaks she can be trusted to bring insight, connection and understanding. Ethical standards that inhibit business owners, particularly in service and creative fields are also in her sights.She is committed to integrity and champions co-operation over competition to maximise your own and others resources – in personal and professional relationships.A former columnist for Connections magazine, currently radio show host on Phonic FM with the Speaking Out show, Cathy also loves dancing argentine tango - an improvised dance form.Cathy is a fierce voice for confidence and communication.