Who we areCenter for Spiritual Living Ocala is a vibrant spiritual community that appreciates diversity—welcoming people of all ages, races, religions, sexual orientations and social backgrounds—just as they are, with dignity and love. We believe happy, healthy, successful people aren’t lucky or favored by God—they are using spiritual principles that make life work. Since 1985, CSL Ocala has been offering the spiritual tools and teachings that allow people to experience a personal relationship with the Divine. We offer a multitude of opportunities for people in all stages of life to use their inherent gifts to transform their own lives, thereby making the world a better place.PhilosophyThe teachings of Centers for Spiritual Living integrate spiritual truths with philosophy, psychology and science. We revel in the ways that modern science is confirming ancient spiritual wisdom regarding the nature of Reality, humanity and our place in the cosmos.As one of the many Centers for Spiritual Living found throughout the world, CSL Ocala teaches a New Thought/Ancient Wisdom philosophy that incorporates affirmative prayer, meditation, healing, visioning, and other spiritual tools to help you lead a more conscious, harmonious and fulfilling life.What We Believe – Our Guiding PrinciplesWe believe that the universe is spiritual and has intelligence, purpose, beauty, and order. Our beliefs are in harmony with the essence of the world’s great spiritual teachings and we honor all paths to God. Whether it is called God, Spirit, Energy, Universal Intelligence or something else, we are ever conscious that all people, places and things are unique expressions of the Universal Intelligence that is within and all around each of us.You and God are InseparableWe believe God is a Loving Intelligence, never separate from anyone or anything. We believe we are all one with this indwelling Divine Presence and are therefore powerful beyond measure. We teach and practice a way of life that allows us to live in accordance with spiritual principles, which are as reliable as the laws of physical science. One of these is the law of Cause and Effect—that “It is done unto you as you believe.” In essence, your thinking and expectations create your experience of reality. By applying spiritual principles, you can change thought patterns that no longer serve you and create improved conditions in your life.
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