
Christina Welch

My name is Christina Welch. I gave my life and sold out to Jesus Christ at the ageof 21. When I say sold out I mean to say that I made up my mind and gave my lifecompletely, whole heartedly to the Lord serving him with a passionate zeal, taking everyopportunity to teach, preach, and minister the uncompromised Word of God through hisgrace and the power of the Holy Spirit.Prior to receiving my salvation I lived a rebellious, wild life. I was a lost. Therewere so many circumstances that led to my rebellion such as not having my father in mylife and at the age of 10 I was molested which affected my life dramatically. I startedpartying and running the streets at the age 12. I got involved with gangs, alcohol, drugs,overdosed on methamphetamines, went to jail. I lived a promiscuous lifestyle, had myfirst baby at the age of 14, and just lived in such darkness, hurt, and hopelessness doingwhatever to numb the constant hurt and sedating the pursuit of love through wrongrelationships and in things. I had no identity, purpose, or direction and then GOD.The year of 2000 is the year of my salvation. I’m walking in the promise he gaveme in Psalms 118:17 I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord. God hascalled me out of a world of hopelessness and darkness for his purpose. He has called meas a woman on the front line called out of darkness into his marvelous light to pray andintercede for the salvation of the lost, rejected, abused, and hurting. He has set my feetupon a rock to wage war against the oppressive attacks of the enemy through prayer,preaching, and teaching. He has given me a voice to skillfully wail, cry out, and soundthe alarm as a watchman to awaken those who Jesus Christ is calling to salvation and toprovoke them to rise up and take their rightful position in the kingdom and to heal thebroken hearted and set them free from being in bondage. I am taking up everyopportunity to win souls with the wisdom of God and snatching those out who are on thepathway of destruction.I am a wife to an awesome man of God with 9 children. I work in healthcare working in mental health.I love to preach and prophesy to declare the works of the Lord wherever and however God leadsme for this is a time for the church to be awakened and work while it is Dayfor the Lord is coming soon.


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