I'm Chrystopher, I am a Chyronic Healer, which is essentially a 5D Shaman, as well as a Medicine Alchemyst, Shamanic Astrologer & Ascension Guide. I am the owner StarDust Retreat Center outside of Atlanta, GA as well as the creator of MycroDos, a line of customized shamanic medicine supplements designed to put the power of healing in your own hands. As a Chyronic Healer, I am a living emodiment of Chyron, the archetypal wounded healer and like Chyron himself, I am a hybrid being with the gifts of channeling, psychic mediumship, astrological computation, musical talents, shadow work and healing. I am passionate about initiating & activating others into their highest, most divine templating as well as guiding lightworkers, starseeds and empath through their ascension and spirtitual awakening process.