MISSIONMaking disciples of those who will make disciples of all nations, our ministry is to enhance cross-cultural effectiveness through education, equipping, and exposure.OVERVIEWCULTURELinkprovides practical training and resources to enable churches, mission organizations, and corporations to impact others as they effectively serve in cross-cultural settings.CULTURELinktrains and prepares individuals, team leaders, and team members to successfully integrate into new cultural environments. Whether moving to another country long term or visiting short term in order to provide disaster relief (earthquakes, floods), correct social injustices (illiteracy, sex trafficking), meet physical needs (AIDS, hunger, housing, medical) or expand and develop Christian ministries (church planting, discipleship programs),CULTURELinkenhances cross-cultural effectiveness.CULTURELinkwas founded in 1995 to provide training and resources for individuals, churches, mission organizations, and corporations as they move beyond their own cultural walls to impact the world. ThroughoutCULTURELink‘s short but rich history, thousands of disciples have been equipped and strengthened and thousands more made as a result ofCULTURELink‘s training seminars.Our knowledgeable and experienced team of instructors guide seminar participants through all aspects of preparing and leading their cross-cultural teams. Seminar participants consistently share thatCULTURELink‘s training has been the single greatest source of impact in the preparation and planning of their short-term mission trips.Completely based in Scripture, our core beliefs guide every aspect ofCULTURELink‘s mission and ministry and spur us on to reach the world as we follow Jesus’ admonition to “go and make disciples of all nations.”
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