Dana Haines holds thousands of lifetimes of mystical magic in her soul. She came forth in this lifetime to awaken as many as she can to their own truth and higher self. She is here to help you tap into the Divine and know that you have armies on your side behind the veil. She is the host of Soul Retreat, the ultimate womens wellness and spiritual retreat.Dana holds many certifications including being a shamanic practitioner, medium, intenSati, sound bowl healer, advanced angel tarot card reader, breathwork facilitator and more.....read more on those here: https://magicdana.com/pages/aboutmeHer mission is for you to find your own power and know that you are a spark of the Divine at all timesShe is a mixture of Oracle Seer, Wisdom Seeker, and the person you call on to pour your heart to. She always comes out on top and wants to share with you how easily you can do it, too.She knows how to work with the Universe and all of its abundance. She knows how to call on various Saints and Ascended Masters for guidance on your behalf. Her purpose is to raise your vibration, help you live a joyful life, and keep you on your life’s path.Her website: magicdana.com