On the street trades and skills of times gone by are demonstrated by those for whom it was once a daily chore. Basket making, butter making and hand spinning are on display. Also we have farm animals on show. Cows, horses, donkeys, sheep, pigs and even turkeys have appeared at Dunderry Fair previously and some are for sale. So be prepared for traditional haggling if you fancy bringing home a new addition!And it is not just farm animals you could be bringing home. Every year our matchmaker performs his magic and brings together couples who are looking for some romance. There is no better place in Ireland to find your true love than Dunderry Fair.Centrepiece to Dunderry Fair is the main stage. Music is played here all day long with a platform provided so be sure to bring your dancing shoes! In the field adjacent to the main street you will find the trade stands and carnival rides. So whether you are young or old and looking for a bit of craic you will be sure to find it at Dunderry Fair.Dunderry Fair CLGCompany Registration Number: 775483