
Entrepreneurial Business Book Club

We ACTIVATE (y)our KNOWLEDGEAtEBBCwe strongly believe inself-education. Knowledge is power, right? Self-education combined withsocial learningis what we strive for. This makes a dangerously interesting cocktail, best served to anambitious,entrepreneurialandenthusiasticcrowd.Every month the members of EBBCget togetherto actively engage around a (business related) book or an interesting topic. These sessions are moderated by knowledgeable members, authors or industry/subject matter experts. Figuring out how to apply certainconceptsin the real world, sharingpersonal experiencesand generatingnew ideasare only a few of the outcomes we look for during each get-together. Additionally, we take the time topitch business ideas,give feedbackand invite interested new people tojoin one of our sessions.


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