evolvingBA (evolvingBA.com) is a boutique consultancy practice based in Brisbane CBD. We work both internationally to help organisations design and deliver strategy, build and improve processes, understand their data, and support all elements of projects, transformation, innovation, and change.We deliver training, facilitation, team building, coaching and mentoring either in Brisbane face to face, by travelling to you, or hosting virtual sessions.We have a catalogue of training we deliver both in-person and virtually.The Playful Business AnalystBusiness Analyst Strategy, Planning, and CoachingStakeholder Management for Business Analysts with CommunicationData Analysis and Visualisations for a BAProcess Mapping, BPM and Continuous Improvement, LEAN ProcessesBusiness Case DevelopmentAgile Methodologies for a BARisks, Issues, Benefits and DecisionsLeadership Training for the Accidental LeadersBranding the BA, the Project, the TeamExecutive & Leaders: Strategy, Planning, and CoachingWorkshops and FacilitationBA 101: The BA Touchpoints in a Project LifecycleRequirements Lifecycle for Business AnalystsWe are aligned with Fulcrum BNE, Brisbane's Innovation space. We host our in-house training in their facilities.FulcrumBNE.com.We also create bespoke training packages for team capability uplift, team building and alignment, business modelling and more. Our trained consultants work with you.
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