We are a not-for-profit Community Interest Company that helps disabled people and the wider community access the countryside through short taster sessions, longer rambles/rides and residential breaks using specialist equipment such as Mountain Trikes and Mountain Bike hand cycles/adapted cycles.We run regular taster and training sessions so that people can build up their skills, strength and confidence with the equipment and they can then come out on longer rambles/rides with us. Over recent years we have run Mountain Trike rambles and Adapted Cycle rides in the Peak District, the Pennine Hills, National Trust & RSPB sites and the Yorkshire Dales in addition to organising residential trips to Kielder Forest in Northumberland, Gisburn Forest in the Forest of Bowland AONB, the Yorkshire Dales and the Peak District.We campaign regionally for improved access to the countryside for people with disabilities,helping to inform policy at a strategic level. We are currently working in partnership with the RSPB, Yorkshire Dales National Park, The National Trust, English Heritage, The Woodland Trust and Yorkshire Water.