Global Kids港講廣 - 香港人講廣東話 We speak Cantonese我哋嘅團隊由全球包括香港、英國、加拿大同澳洲教育界人士組成,致力用廣東話教授4-18歲嘅海外細蚊仔/細佬哥中文,傳揚香港精神、中華文化與當地文化知識與對照。課程包括廣東話中文班、GCSE中文班及Cantonese for Beginners班。我哋個個身懷絕技,唔單止有多年教學經驗,更加擅於運用遊戲、戲劇、桌遊等有趣手法,配合海外細蚊仔/細佬哥聽、說、讀等特定嘅需要,特別強調提升海外細蚊仔/細佬哥喺英語環境下學習中文嘅動機。Website: GlobalKids港講廣We are a group of educators from Hong Kong, UK, Canada and Australia. Greatly interested in promoting Cantonese as our heritage language, we teach kids and teens between 4-18 with the emphasis on Hong Kong culture, values and belief of ethnic Chinese as well as cultural difference awareness between the East and the West. We use games, drama and boardgames to teach our regular Cantonese classes, GCSE Chinese classes and Cantonese for Beginners classes. We are particularly strong in motivating our youngster generation to learn Chinese in an non-Chinese language environment.