Hi, I'm Michelle,My life imploded at 38 when my partner Nathan died suddenly and I was left to manage not only my own grief, but that of my young children.I was devastatingly sad, the loneliness of missing Nathan consumed my world, and I was filled with anxiety and uncertainty about the future. While I had the loving support of friends and family, I craved community with people who had been through similar experiences to mine. So four months after Nathan died, I founded the Grief Connect® Young Widowed Support Group – a peer-to-peer online and in person support group. Meeting other widowed people was life changing for me. Sharing stories and experiences with other widowed people normalised my intense grief and I found the connections that grounded me.This led to the foundation of Grief Connect® – grief and bereavement services to support you through the loss of a loved one and help you realise you’re not alone. Grief Connect® Services include online counselling, Grief Connect® Young and Over 55s Widowed Peer Support Groups and The Grief Language Project® Seminars and Education Program.