
Grow Pittsburgh

MISSIONOur mission is to teach people how to grow food and promote the benefits gardens bring to our neighborhoods.VISIONWe envision the day when everyone in our city and region grows and eats fresh, local and healthy food.VALUESCOMMUNITY PARTICIPATION:prioritizing neighborhood voices to guide programsENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY:using, teaching and advocating for restorative practicesEQUITY:working alongside communities to build access and power for allFISCAL INTEGRITY:making responsible and effective use of available assetsFOOD SOVEREIGNTY:supporting everyone’s right to access, produce and distribute healthy and culturally appropriate foodRESOURCEFULNESS:creating hands-on opportunities to build individual and community self-sufficiencySOCIAL JUSTICE:understanding systems of privilege, oppression and racism, and using this knowledge to drive our workTRANSPARENCY:being accountable by using clear, direct and inclusive communication


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