After traveling the world and spending significant time abroad, I was shocked upon returning to realize just how disconnected Americans have become—from the world, from each other, and from nature.The zombie apocalypse is real and happening NOW. Put your phone down and look around you.Our society is failing. We’ve been conditioned to believe in what we see on screens rather than what’s around us. We’re told where to find happiness, but what’s marketed to us is mere pleasure: good food, a new car, losing weight, more sex, parties, popularity, and endless entertainment.Yes, pleasure is correlated with happiness, but it does not cause it.Do you have these things but still feel empty?Do you know where to find happiness?True happiness isn’t found in external validation, possessions, or the pursuit of more. This societal conditioning limits us. By letting go of what I didn’t need, I discovered the true sources of happiness. Free from the fear of losing possessions, I sought internal validation.Life is precious and fragile. What we have, own, or control matters little in the grand scheme.I’ve gained a special gift through this increased awareness, and I am excited to share it with you.As a Nature Mentor, I develop ways to encourage outdoor, nature-based activities to help you spend more time in contact with nature. Away from the virtual world of smartphones, laptops, tablets, and wireless internet, and into the real world we’ve forgotten.Opportunities to disconnect to reconnect.Time outdoors is vital for our mental health, especially for children and teens whose brains are still developing. If you’re looking for ways to disconnect from constant digital stimuli and give your nervous system a chance to “power down” and rebalance, then this page is for you!
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