
I Love A Clean San Diego

Founded as the San Diego War Against Litter Committee (WALC) in 1954, I Love A Clean San Diego (ILACSD) has worked to improve the health and beauty of San Diego for over 67 years. In the 1970s, “I Love A Clean San Diego” was the slogan for the organization’s anti-litter campaign. In 1980 it became the organization’s name. In 1989, ILACSD merged with the San Diego Ecology Center, joining two leading environmental organizations together to better serve the community, under one name.Today, our nonprofit is on a mission to create zero waste lifestyles and zero litter throughout San Diego County. ILACSD serves about 100,000 students, adults and businesses every year by providing environmental education, volunteer cleanup and beautification programs, and recycling and zero waste solutions. On average, the organization hosts over 900 workshops and produces 600 community cleanups each year. Community cleanups are responsible for clearing nearly half a million pounds of pollution from the region annually. ILACSD is dedicated to empowering every person to be leaders in conservation and waste-free living in order to protect and improve the health of the home we love.


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