Officially launched in the fall of 2012, Jubilee Christian Church (JCC) of Atlanta was birthed out of a mandate given by Bishop Allan & Reverend Kathy Kiuna to, “Go and possess the gates of Atlanta and rescue the defeated and under privileged people through the Word of God, so that believers can live a victorious life." Armed with this charge from the Man of God, Pastors Peter and the late Charnita Kanyi set out on a journey that would show them the hand of God like they had never seen before.JCC Atlanta citizens can attest to the miracles, signs and wonders that God has performed as a result of the words spoken over this church by Bishop Allan. JCC Atlanta members have divinely received jobs, financial increases, promotions, cars, supernatural pregnancies, healings, engagements, miraculous tuition payments and are living abundant lives.You can tune into our Sunday church service online or give us a call or text before you come to see us in person, so we know you’re coming. Don’t forget to explore our website to learn more about us and to go back and listen to previous sermons and services. You can also send us prayer requests on our website and we will make sure that we include you in our weekly prayers. Sign up to become a member and visit our bookstore, get notified of all the latest events, and much more.