Andre Ignacio Dimapilis (he/him) is a Filipinx-American culture-bearing performing artist, sound healer, theater educator, and peaceful warrior. His art-making in theatre, sound, movement, text, building relationships and rituals are in harmony with the truths that he lives as Filipinx-American, a male person of color (POC), living in the current times working towards social and racial justice. Andre is the founder ofKalayaan Sound, LLC.Kalayaan is the Filipinx word for freedom, using the healing power of sound (from indigenous and traditional instruments) to re-connect and re-member the freedom of the spirit. Andre infuses ancestral wisdom and indigenous knowledge for participants to listen with their body, connect with spirit, and have clear intentions during sound healing sessions for a personalized and meaningful experience. Follow him on instagram @kalayaansoundllc. Rise up yo divine purpose-8+