Health Care is a Human Right.We understand the issues that arise from a broken health system that seems to affect the Latinés and other underrepresented communities hardest. And we too are frustrated. Being in the frontlines - we understand much of the pain and suffering is preventable.Latinés contribute $2.8B to GDP and represent over 50% of the population growth in major states like California and Texas. Our contribution to society is obvious. And yet, we're grossly underserved, underrepresented, and underestimated within the current healthcare system.This injustice leads to worse health outcomes, unemployment, debt, poverty and homelessness.We're here because – it's all avoidable!We want to help clients understand that the health injustices they experience are not one-off events. It’s a systems issue, not a personal issue. We want to be an organization that not only helps people overcome these inequities – we want to eliminate them.