About us:We're coaches, brought together through being expat mums in Berlin who are exploring and celebrating womanhood. We want to encourage female connection and belonging. We hold events not to make money, rather for the love of connecting people and contributing to female empowerment and growth.Telegram Group:https://t.me/womeninberlinMore about Betty:I am a 35-year old French/Italian Berlin-based integral coach and yin yoga teacher in training. I am the mother of 2 wonderful daughters, 7 and 3 years old. Recently separated from my long-term partner of 14 years and creating a functioning co-parenting model. I specialize in 1-1 coaching journeys, integrating mindfulness and embodiment work and facilitating circles and workshops for women. I am currently exploring topics such as tantra, body awareness, freedom as a woman, alternative relationship models, and sexual awakening.More about me: IG: bloomingwith_betty /www.bloomingwithbetty.comMore about Lindsey:I'm a 39-year old British/German expat, a systemic life/business coach, and mental health coach. I've been living abroad, mostly in Berlin, since 2008. I’ve been navigating an ENM (ethically-non-monogamous) relationship together with my partner for 8 years, and brought a beautiful little girl into the world in 2020. Whilst continuing to explore my own journey in life - from career change, motherhood, poly parenting, sexuality, freelancing, and coping with a politically divided world, I want to connect and support other people on their own journeys. I am interested in topics such as mental health, mindfulness, connection, trauma-informed coaching, tantra, and the "body-mind" unity.More about me on my website,www.morefromlifecoaching.com